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월~금 09:00~17:00

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Introduction to the Old Testament with Cristian G. Rata

과정 이미지
Introduction to the Old Testament with Cristian G. Rata 과정정보
수강기간 60일
강의구성 20차시
수강료 150,000원

Dr. Rata joined the Old Testament department after completing his doctoral studies at the University of Toronto (Canada). 

He also earned master's degrees: in Hebrew language and literature from the University of Toronto and in the Old Testament from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (South Hamilton, MA, USA). His doctoral research was on the finite verb in the book of Job. 


Being of Romanian heritage, Dr. Rata has ministered in Romanian churches in Canada and in the United States. His interests include Wisdom literature, Semitic languages, biblical archaeology and theology, and Islamic studies. He is married with four children: Isaiah, David, Talitha and Yohan.

차시 강의명
1차시 Lec 01 Introduction to Old Testament Pentateuch-신학-OT-OT Introduction_Cristian G Rata
2차시 Lec 02 Introduction to Pentateuch Genesis-신학-OT-OT Introduction_Cristian G Rata
3차시 Lec 03 Genesis 1_11-신학-OT-OT Introduction_Cristian G Rata
4차시 Lec 04 Genesis 12_50-신학-OT-OT Introduction_Cristian G Rata
5차시 Lec 05 Exodus-신학-OT-OT Introduction_Cristian G Rata
6차시 Lec 06 Exodus Leviticus-신학-OT-OT Introduction_Cristian G Rata
7차시 Lec 07 Leviticus Deuteronomy-신학-OT-OT Introduction_Cristian G Rata
8차시 Lec 08 Historical Books I-신학-OT-OT Introduction_Cristian G Rata
9차시 Lec 09 Historical Books II-신학-OT-OT Introduction_Cristian G Rata
10차시 Lec 10 Historical Books III_Chronicles-신학-OT-OT Introduction_Cristian G Rata
11차시 Lec 11 Lamentations-신학-OT-OT Introduction_Cristian G Rata
12차시 Lec 12 Esther Introduction to Poetry-신학-OT-OT Introduction_Cristian G Rata
13차시 Lec 13 Psalms I-신학-OT-OT Introduction_Cristian G Rata
14차시 Lec 14 Psalms II-신학-OT-OT Introduction_Cristian G Rata
15차시 Lec 15 Introduction to Wisdom Literature Proverbs-신학-OT-OT Introduction_Cristian G Rata
16차시 Lec 16 Job-신학-OT-OT Introduction_Cristian G Rata
17차시 Lec 17 Ecclesiastes Song of Songs-신학-OT-OT Introduction_Cristian G Rata
18차시 Lec 18 Introduction to Prophets Isaiah-신학-OT-OT Introduction_Cristian G Rata
19차시 Lec 19 Prophets-신학-OT-OT Introduction_Cristian G Rata
20차시 Lec 20 Minor Prophets-신학-OT-OT Introduction_Cristian G Rata